The pleasure for good drinking is at the heart of the philosophy of our company.
We want to enclose in the bottle, for our customers, the intense and natural taste of Sardinia. All of our liquors are of excellent quality and come from a careful and accurate selection of raw materials. We have a careful look at the past and tradition, to grasp those elements that project in the future, to the awareness of living in nature and with nature.
The San Martino, always attentive to trends and ready to anticipate with great sensibility the concept “drink healthy and aware”, has created two new products. Two fresh, natural, young cocktails for young people who want to follow the trend. MIRTO and AGRUMI of SARDEGNA to be tried in a new blend of flavors and colors, to give elegance and freshness to your cocktail.
ll consumo responsabile di alcolici è un consumo moderato e consapevole, compatibile con un adeguato stile di vita. Un uso dell’alcol non responsabile può comportare rischi anche gravi per la salute e la sicurezza degli individui e per la loro convivenza civile.
Piano realizzato con il contributo della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
Sardegna Ricerche del POR FESR 2014-2020